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How your ratings help No zattribution data
  • Employers believe and hire peer rated candidates
  • Rated candidates are first in line
  • Likely to get hired sooner and paid more
Why job seekers love Teamanics
  • Higher wages from employer cost savings
  • Build ratings from job to job and move up
  • Get matched to the right jobs and thrive
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Frequently asked questions
Teamanics is a start to finish career platform for getting a job. Job seekers build a reputation across jobs to move up or across industries (e.g. barista to a medical receptionist).
Higher wages and better jobs! Teamanics saves employers from hiring expenses so they can pay workers more. Teamanics is a rapidly growing platform that replaces old staffing agencies and job boards. We have helped 60,000+ users and 300+ employers.
Job seekers invite current and past co-workers to rate. Ratings are of a person's skills (not of the person), and build trust into one's job application. Teamanics leverages peer ratings to match people's strengths to jobs.
Teamanics is a trust based platform where ratings are weighted based on credibility. Our patented AI technology is hard to gamify. Honest ratings highlight strengths, whereas false ratings hurt the rater and ratee's credibility.
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How your ratings help No zattribution data
  • Employers believe and hire peer rated candidates
  • Rated candidates are first in line
  • Likely to get hired sooner and paid more
Why job seekers love Teamanics
  • Higher wages from employer cost savings
  • Build ratings from job to job and move up
  • Get matched to the right jobs and thrive
Find a job where you will thrive!
No form, not a rater
Frequently asked questions
Teamanics is a start to finish career platform for getting a job. Job seekers build a reputation across jobs to move up or across industries (e.g. barista to a medical receptionist).
Higher wages and better jobs! Teamanics saves employers from hiring expenses so they can pay workers more. Teamanics is a rapidly growing platform that replaces old staffing agencies and job boards. We have helped 60,000+ users and 300+ employers.
Job seekers invite current and past co-workers to rate. Ratings are of a person's skills (not of the person), and build trust into one's job application. Teamanics leverages peer ratings to match people's strengths to jobs.
Teamanics is a trust based platform where ratings are weighted based on credibility. Our patented AI technology is hard to gamify. Honest ratings highlight strengths, whereas false ratings hurt the rater and ratee's credibility.
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